Dedicated to Fiona

Dedicated to Fiona
Fiona, the glory of Snoozeville

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Wind Chill table from Fargo WDAY station

Wind chill was something dreamed up by Canadians when I was a kid.  They never talked about it in the US
on the radio or in the newspaper.  You can see why.

Let's say it was -10F one morning when I left for school, and the wind was a nice, normal 15mph--pretty typical for Fargo.  That put the actual temperature at something like -35F, well into the frostbite danger zone.  Our mothers knew this from past experience, and they got out the woolen scarves.

Most of us went to school wrapped in scarves--over our hats so that our foreheads were covered and around our necks and up over our mouths and noses--so that only our eyes were not covered. Some kids did not have scarves or earmuffs, and if you sat behind them in school, you could see the tops of their ears bleeding from frostbite. I remember one kid....Richard Dahl....and he always had frostbite burns on his ears. As spring approached, the tops of his ears would peel a bit as the frostbite healed.  He was not the only one, but we sat in alphabetical order, and his desk was right in front of mine.

Anyway, it's not so cold where I live now (or even back in Fargo these days).  Today's local temp is 20F, and the wind is 8 mph.  That puts the windchill somewhere between 9F and 13F--out of the frostbite warning zone.  Still, it's very cold here compared to what we usually have.

Stay warm!

Wind(mph)Temperature (Fahrenheit)

    Increasing Danger (Frostbite in 30 min.)
    Heightened Danger (Frostbite in 10 min.)
    Great Danger (Frostbite in 5 min.)

Monday, January 21, 2013

Fog Linda

My friend and former co-worker Linda took these fabulous photos earlier this month, but she hasn't been able to download them on her blog.  I'm going to see if I can download them on Snoozeville, which hasn't seen much by way of photography for a while.  She took them one morning while out for a walk.

Fingers crossed, Linda.

Watergate & Kennedy Center (copyright) Linda Delk

 Key Bridge (copyright) Linda Delk