1. The list of things I have not seen or heard in my adult life would fill a very large trunk. E.G. "Hair"--the musical. What's more, it's on here this weekend, and my best pal wants to go see it. It was on when she was in high school, and she remembers all the words to all the songs. If they were playing "The Mikado" somewhere, I'd be very happy to go see that. I loved Gilbert & Sullivan when I was in high school--there's that generation gap, yknow. Concordia College in Moorhead, MN, had a fabulous music department, and I've seen many of their productions. Had a massive crush on one baritone, whose name eludes me--he's probably about 80 now. Mary Eide had a crush on him, too, but she's happily married (not to him) in Southern California. They almost never have any G&S here. I have to rely on PBS and that lot for such things.
2. It rained again today...not too too bad, but it was damp. Still, it's better than being COLD.
Dedicated to Fiona

Fiona, the glory of Snoozeville
Friday, March 28, 2014
More About Coffee....
Officially it's spring, so time to check in on Snoozeville. I'm considering recipes again, but so far, nothing edible has entered the scene. I still like a big cup of espresso in the a.m., but I no longer make it as strong as before. I use ONE big spoonful of coffee instead of FOUR. And I have retired my really BIG cups for a normal (?) sized one decorated with stars of the Democratic Party: Eleanor Roosevelt, Hillary Clinton, Franklin Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, Jimmy Carter, Harry Truman, Robert Kennedy, Jesse Jackson, Al Gore (yes, many of us have not lost the faith), Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama. Missing, of course, are Michelle Obama, Jackie O, and Oprah. (Yes, she's getting into politics via fundraising in Virginia! Stand back, Rove!) The coffee is delicious this way.