On Saturday I took the bus to Georgetown, then walked down to Trader Joe's at 25th & L Sts. Bought a bunch of greens, some lovely fat blueberries from Argentina, and a wee pumpkin to spruce up the joint. I got off the bus on 27th and walked down past Rose Park, where Cathy and I used to take Squeak to run and chase squirrels. After shopping, I hopped the Circulator bus back to the red line and home. I LOVE where I live, and the great beauty I pass wherever I go.
Rose Park (or part of it) |
Where we used to walk Squeak |
Squeak's former play area on the bluff above Rock Creek |
Beloved brick sidewalks of Georgetown |
Goodies from Trader Joe's |
Riding home on the Circulator! |
As "Halloweeny as it gets in my house" (thanks to ChezLarsson.com)
P.S. Chicken Marinade
I bought some organic chicken at TJ's and was looking for marinades. The best one I found today:
1/4 cup lime juice
4 cloves of garlic, chopped
Pour this over the chicken and let it sit for maybe 20-30 mins. Then drain it and
grill or saute the chicken.
Sorry this was too late for me to test--already ate the chicken. But lime juice and garlic!! What's not to love?
Sounds like a wonder fall day! Love your guided tour, and your pumpkin :-)
that's some pumpkin, ain't it? Where are your photos of the waterfront from your visit there???
Omigosh...Your photos are EXCELLLLENTE. THANK YOU.
I love these. Good camera. Expert eye.
Ooops...above comment was from me, Cat.
Who forgot to sign name
I need to figure out how to post them. I have a blog I have just played around with, and very little at that. I guess I could put them up there.
OK, here's the link to my "blog" -- http://offtheporch.blogspot.com/
Ignore the incohert previous posts and stick with the pictures along the Potomac.
What beautiful photos! This is where you live? And a new idea for chicken. I rub my birds with olive oil, rub in a generous amount of rosemary and garlic, or a French Provencal herb mix from William Sonoma and garlic, add some liquid to the pan, like water or maybe orange juice, and roast in the oven. Yum. Oh, and we just got TJ's here. Haven't tried their chicken yet.
That was me - Cathy. I could only get it to post as anonymous.
Cathy....thanks for your kind comment--and I shall indeed try your mode with chicken.
In general, this IS where I live, but the TJ trip takes me through GT, where I USED to live; I live in a different neighborhood now.
Also, I know several Cathy-with-a-C's. I think I know which one you are. If I post a photo from the big 1991 snowstorm in Mpls, would you recognize it?
Cat: you often forget to sign your name, but I love it when you do.
sure would! haha... and the blue booklet that is on its way to me.
Let me know when and if it arrives! I trust you're too far north to have gotten much trouble from the hurricane....??
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