Dedicated to Fiona

Dedicated to Fiona
Fiona, the glory of Snoozeville

Friday, November 30, 2012


My birthday!  I'll be 76 tomorrow.  That's a lot of years!  I've been thinking of them all in groups of 10.  Such a variety of events and people and experiences.  Maybe I'll get Le Singe Orange to demonstrate....

Meanwhile, this is what I saw from the bus stop and a poster on the bus.  I adore the clouds!!

14th Street near Whole Foods

More 14th Street--across from the bus stop

I agree!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Another one!

Sean and Laura are having a baby, too.  Here are Laura's recent bump photos.

Laura: Week 19

Laura: Week 20
Laura, like her sister-in-law Medea two weeks ago, looks very healthy and happy.  So....two great-grandchildren in the offing!!  Late winter, early spring.....Holding everyone in the light!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

End of November

Walt Whitman on Dupont Circle metro

"Thus in silence in dreams’ projections,
Returning, resuming, I thread my way through the hospitals,        60
The hurt and wounded I pacify with soothing hand,
I sit by the restless all the dark night, some are so young,
Some suffer so much, I recall the experience sweet and sad...."
     --from The Wound Dresser

Gingko leaves on Corcoran St.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

One more photo--Halloween, 1991, storm in Minneapolis

This is the view that sent me out walking around Lake Harriet on Halloween afternoon in 1991. Rabbi Cathy, my gracious and generous hostess while I searched for work, had this big red BBQ in her back yard, and the snow on top was impressive.  So I thought I'd go take a look at the lake, which was just a couple of blocks away.  Perhaps the most wonderful things about Minneapolis are the lakes in town, and all of them have walking/running/biking/rollerblading paths around them.  The walking trail around Harriet is 2.75 miles, which makes it a perfect workout.

I do have more photos of that afternoon's walk in the snow, but I need to do more digging to find them.  Stay tuned....

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Here's a good quote a friend posted this morning:

Forget who you thought you were and accept who you are. --the Dalai Lama

To my wonderful family and friends:

Thank you for everything you are and have been.

Have a fabulous Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Walking in the Sunshine, Looking at the Trees

This past week I've gone out walking for at least two miles every day and brought my cell phone camera along. It's time to renew my cell phone contract, and they've offered me several free new phones, but none of them has a camera in it! Whoa. Since I rarely go out without my cell phone, I always have a camera with me, and it's always CHARGED! Now what?

Anyway, today, as I hoofed it past the L of C, I noticed there are still some autumn crocus blooming! Naturally, the L of C, like the other public buildings here, has gardeners. I would assume this is why these little plants are still going. My previous sightings of autumn crocus last month were in the metro parking lot. There, with no gardeners to speak of, it's every flower for herself!!

Also, I do have to get serious about identifying trees at all seasons. I like to know what I'm looking at.

Autumn crocus ringing a tree by the Library of Congress

Looks like holly, but which variety? English? Chinese?

Narrow-leafed Ash? Ailanthus?

Same tree as above?

Sunday, November 11, 2012

22 Weeks!

Medea & Lennox, 22 weeks....

Here's my gorgeous granddaughter-in-law at 22 weeks.  My grandson made the sign!

Monday, November 5, 2012

A Gift from the Netherlands....

Via Open Culture, the Rijksmuseum has put 125,000 Dutch masterpieces online.  I'm visiting this later today to get a fuller picture of the opportunities.  The Rijksmuseum will allow you to remix the
art, also.  You can create your own slide shows (I think)!!  Dank u!  Dank u!!

In watching the first video, I'm noticing many women visiting the museum have hair like my mother's--and mine.  Over here, people sometimes call it "strawberry blonde." In our youth, it was thick and naturally a bit wavy.  In college, one of mom's history teachers told her that her last name was Dutch.  She was born in Germany of German parents, but her area is very close to the Netherlands.