Dedicated to Fiona

Dedicated to Fiona
Fiona, the glory of Snoozeville

Sunday, February 3, 2013

African Violet!!

African violet, [copyright] Linda Delk
 My multi-talented friend Linda Delk took this photo today--or was it yesterday?  She said this about it:
Here is a picture of my African violet. Seven flower stalks shot up a couple weeks ago. I have been feeding it, and I think that makes the difference. About half of the buds are open now. Picked this up at Frager's Hardware on PA Ave back in the fall as part of a DC [DC=Daily Challenge] challenge. It's turned out to be a lovely bloomer and very cheery to have in my window.
Thanks, Linda, for letting me post your photo here.  Linda has many talents.  Maybe I can persuade her to show us one of her knitting projects, too.