It's been a long time since I've actually blogged about my personal gripes, so why not today?
1. Memory
I've lived in this area for 20 years now, and I've always been devoted to the local museums and galleries. So two days ago, several of us (the arty set) were dining in the park, and somebody asked, "What's your favorite museum here?" And after much humming and umming, I said, "You know, the round one." "You mean the Hirshhorn?" "Yes." My favorite museum, about which I have blogged and that was established by the father of one of my favorite bloggers, and do you think I could remember its freaking name? To make matters worse, wanting to display the fullness of my great familiarity with local art spas, I said, "I also like that one up know...Dupont Circle." "The Phillips?" Sweet jebus. I should quit eating outside. The ozone is getting to me.
2. Politics
I did have a great insight into politics today. I read "Politics is the art of the possible." We certainly do forget that, don't we? "If I scratch your back, you'll scratch mine," that sort of thing. So the Repugs this year appear to be betting that more people than not will vote for THEIR cockeyed candidates and ideas. They're figuring it's very possible that the vast herd of us who are not gazillionnaires will be happy to give up things like Medicare, public funding for education, and other delights. They're figuring we'll be more comfortable voting for a guy who tied his dog on the car roof for a trip and a sallow guy in the worst suits I've seen in public since I was in high school than we will voting for a *gasp* black man and somebody from a really small blue state just up from Ocean City. Fine. Personally, I think the Repugs are not quite so sure of their candidates and their world view as all that. I'm thinking they're going to try their favorite trick of stealing the election! You do remember Bush vs. Gore?
Yes. Repugs. You said it perfectly. What a sad commentary they are on our democracy.
And perfect about memory, too. I find it so scary. I gotta run down and fetch pocketbook from the car. I did remember my cucumber though.
And u didn't mention plumbing. I guess cuz you don't haf - to. See??? It could be much worse.
xo Cat
ha....i know. TODAY i can remember just about anything, but it comes and goes. As you have witnessed.
Oh, well....sufficient for the day is the evil thereof, or however it sez in the OT.
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