Dedicated to Fiona

Fiona, the glory of Snoozeville
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Snoozeville meets
When I asked her how she kept her big house looking so beautiful, Sally said she got a lot of good ideas from So I visited Fly Lady, and she has great tips on keeping your house clean and pretty.
I don't follow all of this, of course. I never follow all of anybody's tips, up to and including the ten commandments. (Well?) (Fly Lady has ELEVEN commandments, which just goes to show you how much she loves this kind of stuff.)
My point is that, having lived all this time, I'm no longer compelled to separate my laundry into colors, fabrics, etc. (FL's laundry instructions are pretty strict on this.) I dump it all in one load, use really good soap, and wash everything in cold water. Oh, I do make exceptions, but there's no way I'd accumulate enough laundry for one load if I separated it all. No disasters have happened, and it all comes out clean and fresh.
Fly Lady also says we should get up every morning and get dressed completely all the way to shoes with laces!! No way, FL....No shoes worn in the house here, and nothing much with laces, either, inside OR out.
She does have three great tips that I like and follow:
1) keep the kitchen sink shiny,
2) swish & swipe in the bathroom every day, and
3) declutter somewhere in the house every day for 15 minutes (I set the timer on my stove). (Today, it's gonna be the dining room table/art center/desk. Uff da!)
Easy! Thanks, Sally, and thanks to Fly Lady, too. I enjoy being a member of a house-cleaning gang....
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