Uff da is often used in the Upper Midwest as a term for sensory overload.I have no Scandinavian roots minus those that snuck in during my ancestors' time in Ireland. This post seems somehow appropriate, since yesterday, my friend Sherwood announced on FaceBook that it was International Bog Day. Even bogs have their day! Uff da!!
It can be used as an expression of surprise, astonishment, exhaustion, relief, and sometimes dismay.
For many, Uff da is an all-purpose expression with a variety of nuances and covering a variety of situations.
The expression has lost its original connotation, and it is increasingly difficult to specify what it means now in America.
Within Midwestern culture, Uff da frequently translates into: I am overwhelmed.
It has become a mark of Scandinavian roots, particularly for people from North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnesota.[2] [3]
Dedicated to Fiona

Fiona, the glory of Snoozeville
Monday, July 30, 2012
Uff da!
Uff da! (pronounced OOF da) is an old Norwegian expression of my youth that I use quite often when blogging. Here's what Wikipedia says about it:
Uff da! indeed -- that's what this whole summer has been like for me!
you can say that again! my sister-in-law, who was born & raised in Moorhead, always adds "louie" on the end: Uff da louie!! (or louis, however you want to deal with it).
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