Dedicated to Fiona

Fiona, the glory of Snoozeville
Friday, July 20, 2012
Best Gadgets!
Slow day in Snoozeville. Woke up late for my first walking appointment with my neighbor across the drive, and I'm still kinda behind the 8 ball in general. After various cleaning chores, I decided this blog needed a new post & picture.
This little keychain-level is just about my favorite thing. I use it all the time when hanging pictures or straightening those already hung if they get jarred by occasional life events: the passage of a freight train or the MARC or the Metro down beyond the parking lot or someone plopping down on my wee couch and jarring the painting on the wall behind. I've always had an excellent eye for proportions, but I enjoy the reassurance of this little level once in a while. It bugs me that I can't move the bubble to the center in this photo by just straightening the photo.
Anyway, the other gadget I love is the online site in the background here: iGoogle. I've got my iGoogle home page set up to show the weather in different places in the US (and one in Canada). I love this. It situates me and various persons in my orbit right here, right now. Wouldn't you know it, they're cancelling iGoogle next year. Gah.
Thak for the link. That key chain level is something I really need. So cool
They have them in Ace Hardware stores up here....usually in a little container by the cash register or whatever they call it now...:)
Cool gadgets! I am frustrated with my iGoogle. It used to be my homepage with all my nifty features. But it kept going away, then asking me if I wanted "the old one back" and then not staying my home page. Sad to see it go next year, but I've been living without it long enough to dull the pain.
Hardware stores in general and Tractor Supply stores are some of my favorite browsing places. I always find things there that are just so nifty and useful, or would be if I lived on a farm ;-))
Sally: They tried to take mine away, too, but I managed to preserve what I wanted. It won't go until November next year.
Linda; When I worked in Iowa, there was a place similar to Home Depot close by the office (as the crow flew, that is). i'd go over there and spend my whole lunch break just walking around and LOOKING at things. it was so relaxing to concentrate on physical objects and think about how the different tools and hardware worked instead of cluttering my mind with abstract notions. Homey D's isn't as good as this other place, and it's too much of a hassle to get there. But these kinds of stores have great appeal for me!
Linda: I'm sure you found out about horse shampoo! Some of the best stuff ever!
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