Dedicated to Fiona

Dedicated to Fiona
Fiona, the glory of Snoozeville

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Trip to the Arboretum....

HenCam has a wonderful post today:  "Peak foliage and rose hips".  In it, she mentions her Nikon Coolpix P500 camera, and I realized that...hey!....I have a Nikon Coolpix camera--somewhere.  So I dug around in my desk, found it, inserted NEW batteries, and downloaded the instruction manual.  I have never been big on instruction manuals, preferring to fly by the seat of my pants on such (most) things.  But there comes a time when you DO need to know what all the little buttons are for.  Cathy called and asked if I wanted to go for a walk in the Arboretum today.  I said "Yes!" and hopped to it.  I started taking photos by the back gate and ended when I got back to Takoma Station.

Magnolia by the back gate

Near the bus stops at Takoma Station

From the Metro

At the Arboretum

More at the Arboretum

Library of Congress in the distance from the Arboretum

"Frosty asters like a smoke upon the hills"

The Metro parking lot

It was a lovely day, and I learned the basic operations of the little Coolpix L11.  Many thanks to Cathy for her supreme patience and great good will.  What a blessed friend!!


Shammickite said...

I have a little Nikon Coolpix too, but it's very ancient and the batteries are held in by an elastic band. I bought it on Ebay about 8 years ago. But it still works, although I think the end is nigh. Love your pix of the arboretum. When I come to Washington lets visit it again!

Linda said...

My first digital was a Nikon Coolpix too -- I just loved it. The flash went kerflooey and I got myself another Nikon. This one is also great, but I loved the smaller size of my first one.

Your pictures are gorgeous!!! What a great day to go out and see things and capture some of the wonderous things fall offers up to us.

Xtreme English said...

Shammy: Yeah, come on down. I LOVE the Arboretum. I go there as often as I can. I especially love the National Bonsai & Penjing Museum and the wonderful orchid show and sale in the summer sometime.

Linda:, too. Nikon Coolpix ushered a lot of us into digital photography. I think my next major camera will be a Canon, but that's a lot of coins in the piggy bank from now. I'm going to go back to get some more photos of the asters.

Terry said...

Very nice! Did not know there was an arboretum near (in?) DC.

Xtreme English said...

US National Arboretum :

fabulous place!

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