Dedicated to Fiona

Dedicated to Fiona
Fiona, the glory of Snoozeville

Thursday, June 14, 2012

In which I quit drinking....Days 1 and 2

This nondrinking has come about from my reading Ruth Rendell's Tigerlily's Orchids, in which one of the characters, Oelwen, 60, decides to drink herself to death. Not pretty. The story points out her physical decimation, about which I've never thought, but which I'm beginning to experience. Many teetotalers--though most definitely not all--in my very limited experience, have been either prissy or judgmental pains in the butt (I've been and still am prissy, judgmental, and a pain the butt myself...never said I wasn't). Some have been loving models of kindness and serenity.  However, I'm not here to make sweeping statements.  I'm just going to quit drinking. It should save some $$ and also my liver. Some of my remarks will be e-mail extracts (as Day 1). I've never really done this before on this scale, so I'll just make it up as I go along to track my progress. L'chaim! Cin-cin! Up yours!

Day 1:
"the bedinabox is right where u dropt it, and i have no intention of even opening it until maybe 2014. i have not had a drop of likker of any sort today. survived happy hour by brewing some hibiscus iced tea. that may be my answer. at least for today."

Day 2:
"FEELING BETTER!! Esp EYES! Yay." What a relief! I feel cleaner, younger, and incredibly better, and I'm just out of bed for an hour. See if I can manage to get through the rest of the day. (Later in the day....well, I got through happy hour by going to the Farmers Market and buying as many colorful fruits & veggies as I could afford: 4 wild plums, 1 green & 1 purple pepper (cut one slice off each and fried an egg in it), 2 zucchinis, 3 gorgeous, glorious tomatoes!!, a pint of homegrown blueberries, and a pint of fresh cherries. Plus a nice bottle of plain water from Pret a Manger! I am not suffering.)

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